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Bodhi Paul: Three-Month Update

I am a little late, okay way late on posting Bodhi's three-month update! My excuse, well I have two kids so let's face it I will never be on time again and this little guy has given this Momma a run for her money. Bo continues to be a mild temper guy, he is curious, observant and playful. But his bottle refusal and lack of organized daytime sleep has really rocked my world.

We (and I mean me) are taking it day by day. We continue to cherish our time with Bo and marvel at all his curiosity and conversation, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit it was hard and I am so ready to try and get this guy on a schedule. As I enter my last month of maternity leave I am hoping we can get on a better routine so I can maximize this time with both my babies!

Here are Bodhi's three-month stats:


My at home measurements clock Bodhi at 25 inches and 12.4 pounds. He is long and lean. He is on the very low end of weight and is having a tough time maintaining his curve (I think he is somewhere around 10% for his weight) but his pediatrician is keeping an eye on it. Hoping we can get this little guy back on track and have his weight match his head and length!


After recovering from RSV Bodhi seems to be in good health. I noticed that he seems congested rather often so I am cutting out dairy from my diet to see if that helps.


Bodhi is still an efficient eater, at my last lactation appointment he was clocking almost 3 ounces in just under 4 minutes. That is a lot of volume all at once. Because of that, Bodhi doesn't breastfeed very long, which is probably contributing to his slow weight gain. I continue to coax him to eat as long as possible and we will likely go ahead and try solids at four-months to see if that helps with his weight gain. Unfortunately, he wants nothing to do with the bottle so introducing formula doesn't seem possible.


I could write an entire blog post on sleep, just venting mainly. But I will save that for another post after we see our sleep consultant to share some tips and tricks we hopefully learn. Bodhi is fairly consistent night sleeper, was waking once and sometimes going 11 full hours before waking. However, is a master swaddle breaker so he has begun to wake more like two times a night when he breaks through his swaddle and can't put himself back down. Naps are a whole new ballgame. Nap length is unpredictable, sometimes 20-minutes sometimes two hours (not very often). The long naps are usually when I'm on the go, I've resorted to long walks, running errands or meeting with my Mom group and allowing him to nap in the stroller. It is really the only time we can get a solid hour or more out of him during the day.


Being overtired, cleaning his nose, being left alone for too long.


Bodhi likes to look at faces, hearing voices and being sung and read to. He has become more and more alert and likes exploring the world around him.


Bodhi is in 3-6 months clothing.


Bodhi is starting to laugh and has begun to reach and bat at his toys. He rolls out of tummy time every chance he gets and is close to being able to have command of his hands and arms.


While physically I've healed I am struggling with postpartum for a couple of reasons. Given Bo won't take the bottle I really can't leave the house for more than an hour at a time before I'd have to come home and nurse him. And, with the unpredictable nap schedule it makes it even more difficult to leave. Not being able to do anything on my own has really taken a toll on me. I am hoping the sleep consultant can at least help us get a little more structure and sleep out of the day. With me going back to work in a month I am starting to get nervous how we will manage both Bo and Emerson as it seems like a lot for one nanny!


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