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Now Seating Party of Four

A few weeks ago we announced the very exciting news that our family of three will be expanding to a family of four in January 2018! Nate and I have always hoped for a large family and were overwhelmed with the news that Emerson was going to be getting a baby brother. We feel truly blessed with this gift from God.

Since finding out I was pregnant back in May, its all been a bit surreal. Everyone says your second pregnancy is different. I am not sure if that is because I've done this before so the initial shock and wonder isn't as strong, or if it is the fact that I have a toddler and far less time to sit and marvel about the miracle growing inside me. In any event the first trimester flew by. I often times was so busy with work and Emerson that I wouldn't be reminded I was pregnant until I laid down in bed at night. It wasn't until my 20-week ultrasound and finding out the gender of the baby that the wave of excitement I had when finding out I was pregnant with Emerson finally hit! For a long time I felt so guilty about that first trimester flying by, feeling like I should have more gratitude since so many struggle with fertility. Whether it is right or wrong, I've come to terms with that and accepted that my life is much different this go around. Giving myself permission to work through everything I am feeling.

Moving into my second trimester, getting some energy back and feeling those first few little flutter kicks has helped me turn a corner. I am yearning to hold and snuggle a newborn baby, to hear those little coos and have an opportunity to experience some of those baby first milestones which seem to have flown by with Emerson.

People ask me if Emerson is excited, while we've talking to her about babies and pointing to my belly saying "baby brother" I think she is a little too young to comprehend what is coming. She seems infatuated with babies and I am hoping that infatuation turns into to an instant love and fondness for a baby brother. But that may be a naive new mom of multiples dream. I would love advice or book recommendations from others on what they did to prepare their young toddlers for the arrival of a new baby.

While I have lots of fears, questions, and slight sadness thinking about Emerson not being my only child, we are excited as ever to welcome a new baby into our family. I am excited for Emerson to have a sibling and a brother, excited to see them grow up together, to laugh at the mischief they'll get into, and love them both equally along this crazy journey of life. It is going to be a wild ride but one I am ready to welcome!

Emerson's Outfit: Shirt (Gap) - Old but similar here and here. | Pants (Gap) | Shoes (Tom's) - Old but similar here and here.


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