I had received a beautiful gift from a friend while pregnant. I had been keeping a daily journal during my pregnancy and she had found The Mom’s One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book. This journal allows me to write just one line a day and I decided to dedicate it to Emerson so she has a journal from me to her. It is very important to me to take time out of the day and track her milestone’s, document what is going on in our lives, and keep something that she can turn to in tough times and be reminded how much I love her. There is power in the written word and in this digital age it is easy to lose sight of that.

Now, having a few friends who are pregnant I wanted to share this gift with them too. After browsing a few boutique stores and online I was pleased to find an assortment of options that reflect parents modern styles.
Here is my list of 7 unique memory books that aren’t like the rest: